When caring for a patient 12 hours after surgery following anabdominal hysterectomy for cancer. The patient asks you to assisther to the chair. You note she has an IV pole with IVF’s infusingand is receiving narcotics via a PCA ( patient-controlledanesthesia) pump. She states she had not been out of bed since thesurgery and she has just used the PCA to administer her painmedication. She would like to get up while she has pain relief. Youalso notice she has an indwelling urinary collection bag ( foleycatheter) connected to the bed frame.
1. What would your plan to get her out of bed?
2. What would be some environmental hazards for this patient?Safety.
3. What assessment or interventions would help ensure she isable to transfer to the chair safely.
Short answer please. Thank you.
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