Hello please type the answers so I can read it. Thank you inadvance.
Case Study
Jose and his family have just moved to Hartford, CT from PuertoRico. Jose is 10 years old he arrives in the nurses’office on day 3 of school in the morning with his mother and he hasshortness of breath, nasal flaring and use on ancillary muscles tobreathe. There is no physical on file in the nurse’soffice.
Temperature: 99.6 orally, RR 42, and irregular HR 136regular BP 100/60. His pulse ox is 96%. Heweighs 65 pounds.
- What are the priority medical needs for this child/family?
2. What are the resources in theHartford Public School for this family?
3. When does dischargeplanning/transition of care take place?
4. What education needs to take placebefore discharge (before he leaves the nursing office?)
5. What are theresources in the community for him and his family?
6. What would you expectthe HCP to order for medications? Include this on your concept mapand pharmacology list.
7. Complete a focused respiratoryassessment. This should be very detailed.
8. The Health Care providerhas ordered Acetaminophen alternating with Ibuprofen fortemperature. What is the appropriate dose?