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PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Bladder stone with hydronephrosis


PROCEDURES: Cystoscopy with laser lithotripsy of bladdercalculus & placement of ureteral stent


The patient was placed in the relaxed dorsal lithotomy position,Betadine prepped, and sterilely draped. With use of 21-Frenchpanendoscope, a bladder stone measured approximately 3 cm diameterwas visualized. Under video control using the 500 micron fiber at 8watts of energy, fragmentation of the calculus was performed. Theentire stone was fragmented. On injection of contrast, there wasconsiderable hydronephrosis to the system. Prior to placement ofthe stent, the bladder was all clear. It was necessary to lasersome marginal bladder stone fragments from the specimen. Followingthis, a 6-French 22-cm double-pigtail stent was placed. The patienttolerated the procedure well and left the operating room insatisfactory condition.


1) How did you index your code(s)?

2)  Would this op note be coded differently if thestent was not indwelling? If so, what would be the code(s)?

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