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Medical terminology Mega-match for extra credit! Name date class 1. Cardio 2. Capill/ 3. Phlebo 4. Hemato 5. Atria 6. Ventricle 7. Tricuspid valve 8. Mitral valve 9. S-A node 10. Pulmonary 11. Septum 12. Arterio 13. Myocardium 14. Coronary 15. Aorta 16. Vena Cava 17. Blood pressure 18. Reticulocyte 19. Macrophage 20. Rhesus 21. Thrombocyte 22. Plasma 23. CAD 24. Oxygen 25. Hematology 26. Angina 27. Ischemia 28. Myocardial infarction 29. Bradycardia 30. Tachycardia 31. Fibrillation 32. Hypertension 33. CHF 34. Aneurysm 35. Septicemia 36. Triglycerides 37. Thrombus 38. Leukemia 39. CABG 40. CPR A Artery B. Lack of oxygenated blood causes this C. Means crown too, vessels on heart D. Baby RBC E. Largest artery in the body F. Chest pain G Entry chambers of heart H. Shaking, ineffective contractions L. You are either positive or negative for this antigen 3. Force against artery walls created by heart K. Heart L High blood pressure M. Slow heart N. Every cell needs this all the time 0. Weak place in vessel wall P. Blood Q. Triple lipid R. Heart attack S. Coronary artery disease T. Smallest blood vessels U. Door on the left side of heart V. Congestive heart failure W. Coronary artery bypass graft X. Wal separating chambers Y Pathogens in the blood (poisoning Z. Door between the right side chambers AA. Eat dead cells BB. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CC. Largest vein in the body DD. Heart muscle EE Study of blood GG. Means lung HH. Vein II. Blood clot 33. Platelet KK Blood cancer LL. Pacemaker of the heart MM. Fast heart NN Liquid part of blood 00. Pumps of the heart
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