Role-play 3: Casey

You are a support worker in a homeless service that valuesperson-centred care and harm minimisation strategies. The serviceprovides short-term (up to two weeks) accommodation and, inaddition, provides direct case management services to peopleexperiencing homelessness. Your primary job is to support people tolocate stable and long-term accommodation.

Casey is 17 years old and has lived on the streets for the past12 months. She was thrown out of home when she told her parentsthat she was gay.

Casey suffers from anxiety, regularly uses marijuana, tobaccoand alcohol, and occasionally smokes ‘crystal’ (methamphetamine).She has come into your service to seek assistance.

Establish respectful relationships with people withco-existing needs

1. Appropriate introduction (your role in the organisation) andthe purpose of the meeting.

2. Provide information about the assessment process to theclient and obtain consent.

3. Use of client-centred techniques to establish a good rapportwith the client.

  • Active listening (reflection, clarification, etc.)
  • Questioning techniques (open-ended, etc.)

Checking for understanding

Determine the needs of people with AOD and mental healthissues using a collaborative approach

4. Use of self-directed recovery approach to assist the clientto identify their needs, goals and preferences without imposingyour own values and attitudes.

5.Collaborate with the client to develop a recovery plan.

Make sure you discuss the following:

  • Goals
  • Strategies
  • Responsible person for each goal
  • Timeframe

Determine appropriate services

6. Provide the client with service information and support theirdecision-making process.

7. Discuss the limits of your work role and identify otherservices as indicated by your client’s needs.

8. Use harm minimisation strategies to maximise support for theclient.

Evaluate assessment processes and seekfeedback

9. Provide a summary of what was discussed in your meeting withthe client.

10. Ask the client to provide you with feedback about theassessment process and whether their needs were met.

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