Calamine lotion

1. Calamine Lotion is classified as a suspension. What is asuspension? (4pts)

2. It is a disperse system in which solid, vehicle-insolubleparticles (internal phase) are uniformly suspended by mechanicalagitation and formulation design throughout the liquid vehicle(external phase).

3. It is a clear, flavored, sweetened, hydroalcoholic liquidoral preparation that usually contain either potent or unpleasanttasting drugs

4. It is a concentrated aqueous solution containing one or moresugar components, chiefly sucrose or sugar substitute

5. It is a viscous oral liquid containing one or more medicamentdissolved in a vehicle that usually contains high proportion ofsucrose or other sugars.

6. What is the use of each apparatus employed for thepreparation of Calamine Lotion? (14pts)

Match the following ingredients with their uses in thepreparation of Calamine Lotion. (8pts)

Ingredient Use/s

Zinc oxide mildly antiseptic action and is a mild astringent, ithas soothing and protective properties

Glycerin levigating agent (act as lubricating agents; it makeincorporating solids easier, and they usually give smootherpreparations)

Magma Suspending agent (a substance (such as carrageenan,xanthan gum, or cellulose ether) that is added to fluids to promoteparticle suspension or dispersion and reduce sedimentation)

Lime water Astringent (a chemical that shrinks or constrictsbody tissues), vehicle

One of the steps in the preparation of Calamine lotion is bygrinding or rubbing the active substance in a mortar with the aidof a pestle. How do we call this process? (4pts)

A. Trituration B. Comminution C. Levigation D. GeometricDilution

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