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Delivery Note Patient Name: Bonnie Jones Birth Date: 05/10/xx Patient Number: 34-34-15 Room Number: 432 Date of Delivery: September 10, 20xx The patient, a 30-year-old gravida 2 para 1, 40+ weeks gestation, was brought for elective induction/augmentation of labor. She had been contracting intermittently and had a great change of pelvic pressure over the last four days. Her cervix had changed from 2 to 3 cm; it was 50% effaced, very soft posterior, and the head was at -2 station. I had stripped the membranes twice, but still she did not go into labor. I then brought her for induction of labor. Pitocin infusion was begun at 8 p.m. on September 9. She progressed to complete by 5 a.m. on September 10. She delivered around 6:00 in the morning on September 10. She had a spontaneous vaginal delivery from vertex occiput anterior over a first-degree periurethral tear and a first-degree perineal tear. The baby was a live-born girl, 8 pounds 5 ounces, with Apgars 8 at one minute and 9 at five minutes. There was a nuchal cord xl. This could not be slipped over the head and I delivered the baby through the loop of cord. The cord had three vessels. The tears were repaired with interrupted sutures of 4-0 Vicryl, one for the periurethral tear and four for the perineal tear. The placenta delivered with gentle traction on the cord. The cervix was inspected; there were no tears. The placenta was intact. It did have an eccentric insertion of the cord. Mother and baby were left in the delivery room in good condition. Mother had adequate epidural anesthesia for the repair. 1. 2. 3. What type of delivery did the mother have? What initial action was used to induce labor? What medication was used to induce labor? What types of tears were repaired? How were the tears repaired? 4. 5.
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