The reference below is inaccurate. Make corrections in the spacebelow (Hint: be sure to use correct capitalization, font size, fonttype, bold/italic/underline, and spacing).

Scaramucci, MK, Diaz E, Strategies for effective instrumentsharpening. (2017) Journal of Dental Hygienedoi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00544. Pg#54, Volume: 15, Issue: 4.

The reference below is inaccurate. Make corrections in the spacebelow (Hint: be sure to use correct capitalization, font size, fonttype, bold/italic/underline, and spacing).

[2009] Blassingame, KM. DOI: 10.1177/0885728811401018. Journalof the American Dental Educators association., Then And Now.,74(8), pp. 26-29.

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