The US is currently experiencing an Opioid crisis. There aremany situations where non pharmacological treatments can reduce theuse of narcotics and risk of addiction. Review the followingscenario and respond to the following questions.
Can someone help me answer these questions about thisscenario?
A fifty five year old patient has chronic back pain. They areseeking something to help relieve their discomfort. Overall, theydescribe themselves as healthy. They are still independent and ableto care for themselves and their family. However, the pain isworsening. They have to sit more frequently towards the end of theday, and feel it is causing increased fatigue and feelings ofdepression. Over the last year, they have triedanti-inflammatory medications, cold compresses, heat, topicalcreams, massage, and chiropractic treatments. They inquire if it istime to try a pain pill, just in the evenings to help them relaxand sleep better.
For your discussion this week,
- Identify and describe a complementary therapy that may work asan alternative to pain medication for this patient. Includeevidence to support its use in practice.
- What is one challenge or barrier the patient may face inseeking this alternative treatment?