75 yo M admitted yesterday with 3 days of progressive SOB,cough, and fever. Physicial assessment shows right sided cracklesand hypoxia. CXR confirms RML infiltrate. Patient placed on O2 andadmitted to the floor. This evening develops sudden increased SOBand palpatations, while returning from a smoke. No chest pain, nofevers, no chills. Now admitted to ICU as he develops RapidA-fib.

Past Medical History:

  1. CAD
    1. NSTEMI 2003 with RCA stent,
    2. NSTEMI 2010 with LAD stent x 2
  2. CHF – secondary to ischemic cardiomyopathy, EF 45%
  3. Dyslipidemia
  4. HTN
  5. COPD

Social History:

Married with 2 children, lives at homewith wife, worked as a mechanic, no alcohol or drugs. > 50 packyear smoking history


  • Metoprolol 25mg po BID
  • Ramipril 10 mg po Daily
  • ASA 81 mg po Daily
  • Plavix 75mg po Daily
  • Lipitor 40 mg po Daily
  • Spiriva 18mcg 1 puff inh Daily

Initial Parameters:

Patient: Patient uncomfortable, SOB, but able to answerquestions.

Vitals: HR 146    BP 95/50 (anddropping)    RR 22     Temp 36.7C     O2 sat 93% on 3L

Neuro: Eyes open, pupils equal and reactive

Lungs: Crackles at bases R > L

Cardiac: Normal S1, S2, no murmur, mild peripheral edema,elevated JVP

Abdo: Soft, not tender, no masses

Labs: AM Bloodwork (K Normal at 3.6, WBC 14.2, Glucose 8.9)

CXR: RML infiltrate          

ECG: Rapid Atrial Fib (rate 143-168)-average HR is 146bpm

What are the nursing considerations for this patient ( considerboth current and previous events).

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