om Anderson, CMA (AAMA), works for Dr. Sheila Samanski, adermatologist who frequently performs minor surgical procedures inthe office. Tom assists Dr. Samanski with procedures and is alsoresponsible for maintaining stock supplies in the minor surgeryroom, including solutions and medications, and for cleaning,maintaining, and inspecting the surgical instruments. Because noprocedures are scheduled for today, Tom plans to compile aninventory of supplies and equipment and perform routine maintenanceactivities.

  1. What solutions and medications should be available in thesurgical area of a medical office?
  2. What are the typical instruments used in minor surgicalprocedures?
  3. How are surgical instruments identified and classified?
  4. How should surgical instruments be cared for and handledbefore, during, and after a surgical procedure?
  5. What types of sutures and needles are used in minor surgicalprocedures?
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