Please help
Mr. Coby Lungs is admitted to your unit with a diagnosis ofCOPD, exacerbation. He is 5’7’ and weights 139 lbs. He is allergicto fish but has no medical allergies (he thinks that he justdoesn’t like fish). His current symptomology includes SOB, dyspnea,fatigue, anxiety. You perform a rapid focused respiratoryassessment that reveals:
VS: BP 160/66 P 102 R 30 T 99.9 Sa02 89% on room air.
Lung sounds: noted pronounced wheezing in upper airways with noteddiminished to absent air flow bibasilar. He has noted pursed lipbreathing with abdominal and diaphragmatic accessory muscleintervention.
His skin is moist, pale with cyanotic nail beds and noted clubbedfingers.
His doctor ordered O2 per NC (nasal cannula) at 2-4L to keep hisoxygen saturation at 92% or higher, respiratory therapy consult,and stated that he will be in to see him within the hour.
Write a problem oriented nursing diagnosis based on thisinformation. Remember: a nursing diagnosis is NOT a medicaldiagnosis, but rather a nursing problem that you have identifiedrelated to the patients’ symptomology-look at the symptoms thatcorrelate together and form a problem that needs to be addressed.Remember a problem oriented diagnosis has three components:problem-etiology (as related to) – symptoms (as evidenced by). Youmay use your NANDA books to continue to get familiar withdiagnosis.