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QUESTION 3 30-year-old male electrical technician was helping a company service representative test the voltage-regulating unit on a new rolling mill. While the electrical technician went to get the equipment service manual, the service representative opened the panel cover of the voltage regulator’s control cabinet in preparation to trace the low-voltage wiring in question (the wiring was not color-coded). The service representative climbed onto a nearby cabinet in order to view the wires. The technician returned and began working inside the control cabinet, near exposed, energized electrical conductors. The technician tugged at the low-voltage wires while the service representative tried to identify them from above. Suddenly, the representative heard the victim making a gurgling sound and looked down to see the victim shaking as though he were being shocked. He was pronounced dead almost 2 hours later as a result of his contact with an energized electrical conductor. Against the pretext: a) Select a case (R-3) b) Describe the unexpected insights of the selected case. 3 (UN-4) c) Examine the relevance of grounding on injuries. (AN-5) d) Critique the classical deterrence model in the selected case. (EV-6) e) Investigate safety and health in the context of de-energizing electrical systems before performing repairs. (CR-7) [Total: 25marks]
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