The 80-year-old male admitted to a medical ward. G was taken tothe emergency department by his daughter following a fall at home.G tells the staff it was “nothing but a bit of a dizzy spell†.G lives alone, and his daughter, Angela, describes him as a veryprivate man who prefers his own company. George owns his own smallweatherboard home on a small farm. He has tank water only at theproperty. He has a vegetable garden, three chickens and his JackRussel dog, Bella. G and Bella are inseparable. G enjoys watchingsport and news programs on television, loves a good strong cup ofblack tea with three teaspoons of sugar and chocolate biscuits. Helikes to get up early and go to bed early. He does not like therecent hot weather. Angela visits once a week and has been droppingoff his meals, but she reports he says that he has not been eatingthem recently because he is not hungry, and things seem to getstuck in his throat. She notes her father has lost weight in recentmonths, and there has been a significant decrease in his intake.She has been cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming the house when shevisits, which her father has never let her do before but now seemshappy to let her. Angela tells you, “Dad just seems to havereally slowed down – he has always been such an active man, buthe is just not himself†. G has chronic pain from osteoarthritisand suffers from constipation. Hearing loss is also becoming asignificant issue for G. He visits his GP once a year for hisinfluenza vaccination; he takes no prescribed medication. His GPhas spoken to G about analgesia and options to manage constipation,but he doesn’t want to ‘rattle with all those pills andpotions’. He does take castor oil for his constipation andparacetamol and aspirin for his pain, which he buys from the localsupermarket on his weekly trip to the shops. George has not visitedthe dentist for over 25 years. George is a tall, thin gentleman(185cm and 53kg), he is pale, and his skin is dry, and you notepoor skin turgor.


When you arrive in G’s hospital room he is sitting on the sideof the bed, talking to the cleaner and telling her what hashappened. The cleaner responds by stating Oh, you poor thing,how awful.

a. This statement is an example of empathy orsympathy a justify your response.


2. You need to complete a Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) withG. After completing the MNA, do you consider G has a normalnutritional status, is at risk of malnutrition or is hemalnourished? Provide a brief rationale for your response.

3. G reports a long history of constipation. What factors placeG at risk of constipation? Provide a justification for yourresponse (maximum 200 words).

4. Select one risk assessment tool to assess G’s risk. Identifythis tool, the score and provide a justification for selecting thistool.

5.Describe the measures you would put in place to prevent G fromdeveloping pressure injuries. Ensure you consider G’s situationand the context of his care in your response (Maximum 200words).

6. On day two of his admission, G has a fall in the bathroom andsustains a large skin tear to his right forearm (STARclassification 2b.). The wound is 14cm in length.

Can this skin tear be realigned? Yes or no, provide a briefrationale for your response.

The first priority in the management of this skin tear is tocheck for signs of infection True or false, provide a briefrationale for your response.

How could G’s skin tear have been prevented? (maximum 200words)

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