1. A nurse is teaching a group of parents on the risks of checkingfoods in toddler. Which foods would be a priority to teach about?SATA
  1. Honey
  2. Raw carrots
  3. Steak
  4. Hard candy
  5. Bread

  1. A nurse is teaching a class of preschoolers how to wash theirhands. To help them remember when to wash their hands. Whichteaching strategy would be the most developmentallyappropriate?
  1. Create a schedule with pictures and general times of day towash
  2. Use a picture book to show examples
  3. Let them cross when washing hands to the most appropriate
  4. Explain the ways bacteria can be spread

  1. A nurse is teaching a group of foster parents about caring fortoddlers. Which topic would be appropriate to include as a part ofprimary prevention?
  1. Securing heavy furniture to walls
  2. Providing choices in activities
  3. Cold and illness management
  4. Using honey only after one year of age

  1. A nurse has received an order for ondansetron 8 mg sublingualfor a school-age child prophylactically prior to surgery. This isthe label for the medication available. How many tablets should thenurse administer?

Medication picture

  1. 1 tablet rectally
  2. 0.75 tablet orally
  3. 1 tablet sublingual
  4. 0.75 tablet sublingual

  1. A mom calls the pediatrician office about her preschooler. Thechild has asthma and the nurse teaches her how to avoid triggers athome. Which of the following would be appropriate to discuss?
  1. Keeping the child indoors during the fall
  2. Regularly cleaning out dust from fans, shelves, and rugs
  3. Buying the child a videogame so they get less exercise
  4. Giving away the family dog immediately

  1. A nurse is preparing to administer the first measles, mumps andrubella (MMR) immunization to a 15-month-old toddler. Which of thefollowing findings is a contraindication for thisimmunization?
  1. The child has a cough and a temperature of 37.7 C (99.9 F)
  2. The child’s temperature after the last set of immunizations was38.3 C
  3. The child is currently taking antibiotics for otitis media
  4. The child had a prior allergic reaction to neomycin

  1. A nurse is providing instructions to the parent of a preschoolchild with eczema. Which instructions would the nurse provide tothe parent? SATA
  1. Oatmeal baths can be used to relieve itchy skin
  2. Apply a topical corticosteroid ointment to the affectedarea
  3. Use fragrant lotions to seal moisture into skin
  4. Increase time outdoors during the spring when flowers areblooming
  5. Keep the child’s fingernails short

a, e

b, c

a, d

e, c

b, d

  1. A nurse is preparing to measure an infant’s vital signs. Thenurse should use which of the following sites to assess a heartrate?
  1. Carotid artery
  2. Brachial artery
  3. Apex of the heart
  4. Pedal artery

  1. Match the priority psychosocial area to assess in each agegroup

Infant                Parentalattachment

SchoolAge        Communication

Adolescents        Risk-takingbehaviors

Preschool           IndependentFunctioning

  1. A community health nurse is teaching parents how to preventtetanus in the community. Which of the following would indicatethat the teaching ha been understood by the parents?
  1. Cuts from playground equipment could lead to tetanus
  2. Tetanus can be caught by siblings if they share the samebed
  3. Tetanus with resolve on this own it does not require anyspecial treatment
  4. Tetanus vaccines should be given to grandparents and healthcareworkers to prevent transmission

  1. A nurse educator is preparing a presentation on Diphtheriamanagement for Pediatric ICU nurses, which is not a key element ofcaring for patients with this disease?
  1. Removing suction from the bedside to prevent injury
  2. Encouraging clients to sit in positions that maximize lungexpansion
  3. Monitoring intake and output
  4. Managing hyperthermia

  1. A nurse is planning care for a 2 months-old infant following asurgical procedure. Which of the following pain rating scalesshould the nurse plan to use to determine the infant’s level ofpain?
  1. FLACC
  2. FACES
  4. PANDA

  1. A nurse is reviewing medication with the mother of a childdiagnosed with otitis media. The instructions are to administer 800mg of Amoxicillin daily divided equally into 2 doses 12 hoursapart. Which would be the best way to explain this to themother?
  1. 10 min in the morning and at night
  2. 5 min at each meal
  3. 5 min at breakfast and at bedtime
  4. 5 min at lunch and at bedtime

  1. A nurse instructing a parent on the use of Permethrin 1% creamfor Lice. Which is important information to communicate regardingthis medication?
  1. Nits will not need to be removed manually they will fall out asthey die
  2. Treatment should be repeated in one week
  3. Leave the medication on the hair overnight for maximumeffectiveness
  4. Children must remain out at school for 2 weeks after treatmentstarts

  1. A nurse is caring for a 4 year-old admitted with Hib whosuddenly develops a very high fever, drooling, and is having severedifficulty breathing. Which of the following actions would be thepriority?
  1. Administering an antipyretic
  2. Establishing an airway
  3. Administering oxygen via nasal cannula
  4. Encouraging the child to take deep breaths
  1. A nurse working at a summer camp is called to assess a childthat suddenly began having difficulty breathing. The child iswearing a MedicAlert bracelet for severe peanut allergy. Whichaction by the nurse is a priority?
  1. Ask the counselor if the child ate peanuts
  2. Survey the area for peanuts to find the source
  3. Calling EMS after administering the child’s EpiPen
  4. Administer diphenhydramine and monitor for effectiveness
  1. A teen has come in for treatment of early-stage syphilis at aCommunity Care Clinic. The physician a one-time injection ofPenicillin G 500,000 units IM. The nurse reconstitutes themedication with 8ml of sterile water. Which location would be bestto administer the medication?
  2. A 12-year old child come in for a physical prior to sportsparticipation at school. The nurses notice that the child has notbeen to the office since the age of 9. Which vaccinations shouldthe nurse anticipate will need to be given? SATA
  1. HPV
  2. MMR
  3. Tdap
  4. IPV





  1. A middle-age woman arrives at the Quick Care Clinic for avaccination appointment. She tells the nurse that she is going tovisit her new grandbaby in 2 weeks and is getting the vaccine toprotect her. Which vaccine is most appropriate in thissituation?
  1. Pertussis
  2. Varicella
  3. RSV
  4. IPV

  1. A parent calls the pediatrician office regarding an outbreak ofvaricella at her children’s daycare. Which family member would beat the greatest risk for contracting the disease?
  1. A 2 year-old that attends Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  2. A six-year old that attends only after school
  3. An unvaccinated teen that babysits in the evenings
  4. The grandmother who occasionally does pick-up from daycare

  1.   A new mother of a child with Cystic Fibrosis slearning homecare. Which of the following statements demonstrateunderstanding of when to seek urgent medical attention?
  1. Greasy foul-smelling stools
  2. Productive cough and wheezing
  3. Ease of breathing after chest physiotherapy
  4. Forgetting to give pancreatitic enzymes before a meal

  1. A night nurse is rounding on a pediatric patient that is deafin communicating with patient, which of the following would beimportant to remember?
  1. Gestures are distracting when the child is trying tolip-read
  2. Hearing aids will drown out background noise
  3. Turn the lights on and face the patient while taking
  4. Delay all communication with the child if there is not aprofessional interpreter available

  1. A nurse is preparing to administer amoxicillin 150mg PO every8hr to a toddler who weighs 20 kg. The recommended safe dosagerange is 20 to 25 mg/kg/day. Which action by the nurse isappropriate
  1. The nurse determines the dose is the recommended range andadministers the prescribed dosage
  2. The nurse determines the dose is above the recommended dosagerange and contacts the provider
  3. The nurse contacts the pharmacist to see if the dose is in therecommended range
  4. The nurse determines the dose is less than the recommended doserange and contacts the provider

  1. A nurse caring for a child with a new tracheostomy placed thismorning. Which of the following post-op orders should the nursequestion?
  1. Remove and clean inner cannula with saline q 4-6 hrs andPRN
  2. Assess respiratory status q 2hrs
  3. Change trach ties q shift until discharge
  4. Administer humidified oxygen 2 LPM

  1. The nurse is assisting with the administration of a child’sinitial dose of parenteral opiods. Which action should the nursetake prior to administering the medication?
  1. Assess for any adverse reactions
  2. Assess the status of bowel sounds
  3. Premedicate with diphenhydramine
  4. Ensure Naloxone is readily available

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