Instruction: Answer each situation in 2-3 sentencesonly.
1. Barry’s older sister hadappendicitis. What if her parent tells you she “dropped everything”to rush a child to the emergency department because ofappendicitis? What questions would you want to ask to see if shehas thought through the situation?
2. Barry is the 2-year-old boy you met at the beginningof the chapter. He was diagnosed with celiac disease. When you methim, his mother was insisting that he eat a piece of birthday cake.What health education does his mother need to help her choose abetter diet for her son? What would have been a better food,probably available at a birthday party that he could haveeaten?
3. Suppose Barry is seen in a hospitalemergency department with severe diarrhea. What emergencyinterventions does he need to prevent an electrolyte or fluidimbalance? What measures could you take to reduce his fear of thestrange hospital environment?
4. Barry’s older sister, who has Crohn’s disease, is beingcared for at home with total parenteral nutrition. How can you helpher keep pace with her friends at school?
How can you help her maintain a sense of high self-esteemin light of her many hospitalizations and home care?