1 . Pallavi yadhav et al, 2021
They assessed the effect of yoga on control of asthma inchildren with bronchial asthma. They used hospital basedinterventional randomized control trial conducted in the departmentof pediatrics.Finally the results shows that the asthmatic childrenpracticing yoga have shown significant improvement in the FVC, FEV1and PEFR which was better as compared to control.
2. Soccalingam Artchoudane , 2021
They assessed the effect of yoga on the digestive function ininflammatory bowel disease. They found that the yoga improves theanabolic and catabolic process which help the absorption of energy.They also found that the yoga has a healing effect on mind and bodyand also reduced the stress level also.
3. G Kalaiselvi et al, 2021
They studied and analyzed the effectiveness of yoga on the levelof stress and physiological parameters among the antenatal motherswith mild pregnancy induced hypertension. They used quasiexperimental study for this study.Their study has opened up a newzone for independent nursing practice, its potentiality requiresfurther exploration.
4 Herath kumara bandarage minrupa suramraji karunaratne,2020
They assessed the effect of yoga therapy for immunomodulation ofCOVID 19.Their study was a literature review; searches were carriedout to find out the role of yoga; on immunomodulation related tothe prevention and cure in Covid 19, by using popular searchengines, including Google and Google Scholar within the period of04 months. Their results were interpreted as percentages ofcollected total articles. Seventy articles were reviewed and 100%of the articles showed (directly or indirectly) yoga hasimmunomodulatory role. Thirty nine articles (56%) were proved thatyoga is beneficial in reducing sign and symptoms of Covid 19.
5 Margaret A Brennan et al, 2020
They studied on the benefits of yoga in the treatment of eatingdisorders . They used randomized control trials for the study.Their study shows the results were encouraging and suggest Yoga mayhave a valuable role to play in the treatment of eating disorders,it is important to stress their tentative nature.
6 Tina Cartwright et al , 2020
They studied about the yoga practice in the UK. They used across sectional study of motivation, health benefits and behaviours.Thei study investigated the characteristics of people who practiseyoga, reasons for initiating and maintaining practice, andperceived impact of yoga on health and well-being.Their findings ofthis first detailed UK survey were consistent with surveys in otherWestern countries. Yoga was perceived to have a positive impact onphysical and mental health conditions and was linked to positivehealth behaviours.
7.Naomi M.Simon et al 2021
They conducted a study on efficacy of yoga vs cognitivebehavioral therapy vs stress education for the treatment ofgeneralized anxiety disorder. In this randomized clinical trial of226 adults with generalized anxiety disorder, 12-week grouptreatment with either Kundalini yoga or CBT was more effective thanthe stress education control condition, but the noninferiority testdid not find Kundalini yoga to be as effective as CBT. Of 538participants who provided consent and evaluated 226 (mean [SD] age,33.4 [13.5] years; 158 [69.9%] female) with a primary diagnosis ofGAD were included in the trial.
8.Marilou Shreve DNP et al ,2020
They studied to explore the impact of 10 min of yoga on anxietyin third- and fourth-graders over 8 weeks. Participants completed10 min of yoga daily during the school week.This study demonstratesthat yoga practiced as little as 10 min a day over 8 weeks can havea significant impact on decreasing anxiety in children aged 8–10years.
9.Maria Gonzalez et al ,2021
They assessed yoga for depression and anxiety symptoms in peoplewith cancer. They followed systematic review procedures including aquality assessment. Six databases were searched to identifyrelevant studies. This review provides evidence that in people withcancer, yoga‐based interventions are associated with ameliorationof depression and anxiety symptoms and therefore a promisingtherapeutic modality for their management.
10 .Sameer Anil Zope et al 2021
They assessed Yoga and abreath of hope during Covid 19pandemic.An observational study were carried among 1590laboratory-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients from 575hospitals reported that patients with any comorbidity such ashypertension, diabetes, COPD, and malignancy had poorer clinicaloutcomes than those without comorbidity.Evidence has suggested thatyogic practices may decrease sympathetic overactivity and escalateparasympathetic activity, thereby improving the ability to tacklemental stress
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