Question: 1. What is a vector in recombinant DNA construction?
2. List three different source DNA that peop…

1. What is a vector in recombinant DNA construction?

2. List three different source DNA that people usually used in
constructing recombinant DNA.

3. The plasmid pBR322 has both Amp-R (resistance to ampicillin)
and Tet-R (resistance to tetracycline) genes. In the Tet-R gene,
there is a unique XbaI site. If you insert a piece of DNA into this
XbaI site, how will you identify your recombinant DNA?

4. 5-bromouracil (5-BU) pairs with A (adenine) and G (guanine).
What kind of point mutation can it induce?

5. List a few terms that are unique for regulation of
transcription in eukaryotic cells.

6. For an E. coli partial diploid, lacIs lacO+ lacZ- lacY+ / F’
lacI+ lacOc lacZ+ lacY-, under which condition(s) will the
beta-galactosidase be produced and under which condition(s) will
the lactose permease be synthesized?

7. The E. coli Lac operon produces a polycistronic mRNA, an mRNA
with three protein-coding regions (see the diagram below). How do
cells handle the problem of the translation termination of the
LacZ-coding region and the translation initiation of the
LacY-coding region? (Note that the LacZ stop codon (UAG) is just
upstream of the LacY start codon (AUG). LacY and LacA do not have
their own S-D sequences) 5’—S-D—AUG-(LacZ)-UAG AUG- (LacY)-UAA

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