Question: 1. The B cell receptor (BCR) complex and the signaling cascades
to which it is linked share many …

1. The B cell receptor (BCR) complex and the signaling cascades
to which it is linked share many similarities with the T cell
receptor (TCR) complex and its linked signaling cascades. Which of
the following comparisons between BCR and TCR signaling is not

A. There are ITAMs in the cytoplasmic tails of CD3 in the TCR
complex and in the cytoplasmic tails of Ig and Ig in the BCR

B. The cytoplasmic tails of membrane Ig and TCR antigen
receptors are very short and lack intrinsic signaling

C. Early signaling events induced by antigen binding to both BCR
and TCR involve both Src family and Zap-70 family protein tyrosine

D. Phospholipase C mediated generation of IP3 and DAG occurs
downstream of both BCR and TCR signaling

E. CD4/CD8 coreceptors in T cells and the CR2 coreceptor in B
cells both enhance responses to antigen by a PI3 kinase dependent

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