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122 Unit II Overview of the Human Body SKILLS DRILLS SKILLS DRILL 6-1: REQUISITION ACTIVITY You have received the following test order. Name the circulatory system part or process associated with eaches ordered. Write the answer in the margin next to the test. Any Hospital USA 1123 West Physician Drive Any Town USA Laboratory Test Requisition PATIENT INFORMATION: Name: Doe (last) Identification Number: 03265791 Jane (first) M (MI) Birth Date: 09/17/59 Referring Physician: Goodhart 0600 Date to be Collected: 06/22/19 Time to be collected: Special Instructions: Patient is on a blood thinner TEST(S) REQUIRED: NH4 – Ammonia Gluc – glucose Bili – Bilirubin, total & direct Ð¥ Hgb – hemoglobin BMP-basic metabolic panel Lact – lactic acid/lactate BUN – Blood urea nitrogen Plt. Ct. – platelet count Lytes – electrolytes X PT – prothrombin time CBC – complete blood count PTT – partial thromboplastin time Ð¥ Chol – cholesterol RPR – rapid plasma reagin ESR – erythrocyte sed rate T&S-type and screen EtOH – alcohol PSA – prostatic specific antigen D-dimer X. Other Digoxin
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