This in one an overwhelming one, that I just don’tunderstand

You are tasked with repeating the Avery, Macleod and McCartyexperiment, but with a different species of bacteria: the recentlydiscovered Streptococcus rnavicus. S. rnavicushas two strains: L (lethal) and H (harmless). When injected intomice, the L strain will result in death and can be recovered in theblood of the deceased mouse, while the H strain will not kill themouse and will not be recovered from the blood. When consulting andreading primary literature on the organism, scientists arereporting that in addition to the DNA of the organism, S.rnavicus can produce extremely stable, modified RNA moleculesthat can withstand high temperatures and survive in the environmentfor long periods of time. The DNA has the instructions for makingall the virulence factors necessary to confer the “lethal”phenotype, however several of these RNA molecules can also code forthe virulence factors that confer the “lethal” phenotype as well.rted in the literature.

How can you come up with a treatment for the heat-killed S.rnavicus lysate so that when it is mixed with a culture ofS. rnavicus strain H, the H strain does not transform intothe L strain and kill the mouse after injection? Provide ahypothesis that will explain why simply repeatingAvery, Macleod and McCarty’s experiment will lead to a negativeresult, then draw out how you will perform yourexperiment, which should include all three originaltreatments (DNAse, RNAse, Protease, etc…) as well as a4th treatment that will prevent transformation.You must come up the 4th treatment, and predictthe results that will be obtained from all 4 treatments. Be asdetailed as necessary.

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