Question: When corn plants are too tall, they lodge (topple over) prior to
harvest. This is bad since the g…

When corn plants are too tall, they lodge (topple over) prior to
harvest. This is bad since the grain is often lost when it cannot
be picked up off of the ground by mechanical harvesters. You have a
high-yielding strain of corn, but the plants often lodge. You want
to estimate broad-sense heritability for % lodging in corn. You
start by mating two inbred lines to produce an F1 generation. The
F1 was allowed to intermate to produce an F2 generation. The
variances for each generation are given below: Variance of inbred
line 1 = 380 Variance of inbred line 2 = 384 Variance of F1 = 302
Variance of F2 = 1155 What is the phenotypic variance?

What is the environmental variance? Round to the nearest whole

What is the genetic variance? Round to the nearest whole

What is the broad-sense heritability? Round to three decimal

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