Abdul was a man in his late 50s who unexpectedly became comatosefollowing brain surgery and was sustained on life support. Hisdoctors wished to remove life supports, as they could see nopossibility that he would recover. The family demanded that alllife supports be continued. The nurses caring for Abdul experiencedmoral distress and a conflict of conscience knowing continuedmedical care was considered inappropriate (or futile) and the causeof increased suffering.

Individually Reflect on the case and the commentary. Write downyour initial thoughts/reactions.

Determine who is involved in the case. Name all the parties andtheir relationship to the patient.

Describe the issue. What exactly is the problem or issue to besolved?

Assess the situation. What are the team’s “perceptions” andreflections on the situation – in short form?

Clarify values. What Ethical Values are involved in thisstory?

Identify ethical principles involved in the case. You can useall your reading and resources to name them.

Clarify legal rules. Are there any laws involved in thisstory?

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