Qualitative Analysis Assignment Coding Scheme: Challenges ofStaying in the Hospital Comforts 01 = Too loud (e.g., nurses,roommate, “beeping”) 02 = Food tasted bad 03 = Could not keep fooddown (e.g., due to sickness, medication) 04 = Problems sleeping(e.g., due to noise, being uncomfortable) 05 = Did not like beingawakened (e.g., for vital checks, medication times) 06 = Pain frominjury/illness Waiting 07 = Does not like “sitting around” 08 =Waiting time for medication 09 = Waiting time for testing 10 =Waiting time for doctor visits Being Away From Home 11 = Missfamily 12 = Miss animals 13 = Wants personal belongings StaffIssues 14 = Poor communication (e.g., from doctors, nurses) 15 =Medication errors 16 = Staff did not listen to concerns 17 =Feeling that “no one cares” Other Non-Staff Issues 18 = “Hospitalsmell” 19 = Hospital-acquired infection (e.g., MRSA, CAUDI) 20 =Theft of personal property 98 = Other: Patient’s written responseis not a challenge or doesn’t fit coding scheme. 99 = Unable todecipher meaning of patient response

Qualitative Data Analysis Narrative Text on Challenges ofStaying in the Hospital 001 Hospital food is the worst! I had areally hard time getting it down.  I had a lot of pain the wholetime I was in the hospital,  and I often had to wait a long timefor medications to help with the pain. 002 It felt like I wasalways waiting: waiting to get testing done,  waiting formedicine. Waiting is hard. 003 The hospital smell really botheredme.  Because of it, I also had a hard time keeping food down  andsleeping. 004 Staying in the hospital is hard, because you aren’taround your own stuff. I wanted my bed and my TV.  I really hatedwaiting for the doctor to come in and talk with me about mycondition. 005 While I was staying in the hospital, some of mybelongings went missing. I think that they were stolen.  I endedup with pneumonia,  and the staff did not communicate what wasgoing on with my condition. 006 I didn’t feel like the staff reallycared about making me feel better. They seemed to want to get outof my room as quickly as possible. 007 I didn’t like being woken upin the night to get vitals or medicine.  One time, I was given thewrong medication in the night as well. 008 The nurses were veryloud  went a little “stir crazy,” too, just sitting around allday. 009 The hardest part for me was being away from my husband andkids sleeping was really difficult there. 010 I’m not very good atwaiting. The sitting around drove me a little crazy.  I also had areally hard time being away from my dogs.

Qualitative Data Analysis

Code Sheet: Challenges of Staying in theHospital

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After you complete the code sheet, summarize the majorthemes or most common challenges described by the 10patients during their hospital stays. This should be written inparagraph format.

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