LB is a 45-year-old Caucasian woman with three children—ages 4,6, and 10 years. She works long hours as an instructor at a localcollege to support her three children and husband who is disabled.She has had a 6-month history of severe bouts of abdominal painassociated with indigestion, gas, and steatorrhea. Fatty foods seemto exacerbate the symptoms. LB is about 40 pounds overweight. A CTscan of LB’s abdomen revealed multiple stones in her gallbladder.She was scheduled for a cholecystectomy.

  1. What risk factors does LB have that predispose her todevelopment of gallstones?
  2. Why are fatty foods often associated with an exacerbation ofsymptoms?
  3. What is the relationship between gallstones andcholecystitis?
  4. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is selected. Will LB continue tosecrete bile after her surgery? How?
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