assistance with the following questions please
10. A 78-year-old man is brought to the emergency departmentdue to three days of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Thepatient works on his families farm. Temperature is 39.4 C (103 F),blood pressure is 106/62 mm Hg, pulse is 112/min, and respirationsare 28/min. His fever has not subsided for the past three days.Chest x-ray reveals a left lower lobe consolidation. Sputummicroscopy shows gram-negative spore forming bacteria. Which of thefollowing characteristics are these bacteria likely todemonstrate?
A.Optochin resistance
B.Obligate intracellular
C.Catalase positivity
D.Facultative intracellular
E.Bacitracin sensitivity
12. A 10-year-old boy is brought to the emergencydepartment due to respiratory distress. Over the past 6 hours,rapid, noisy breathing has progressively developed. Temperature is40.1 C (104.2 F), blood pressure is 105/75 mm Hg, pulse is 120/min,and respirations are 32/min. Examination shows inspiratory stridorand supraclavicular retractions. Lateral neck x-ray is shown in theexhibit. The patient is admitted to the hospital, and bloodcultures are obtained. If blood cultures are positive, which of thefollowing would most likely be seen on Gram stain?
A.Gram-positive cocci in clusters
B.Gram-negative coccobacilli
C.Gram-negative rods in chains
D.Gram-negative cocci in pairs
E.Gram-positive cocci in chains