1. Your patient requires Fentanyl via syringe driver. You haveFentanyl 50 micrograms/5ml vials in stock. How much sodium chloride0.9% solution will be required to achieve the correct concentration(50mcg/50ml)?
2. Peter West is a 61 year old in ICU following general surgery.He is still sedated but seems to be waking. The intensivist ordersa Propofol bolus of 100mg stat. Peter has a propofol infusionrunning currently through a volumetric pump that allows boluses tobe given. The concentration of this infusion is 10mg/ml.
Reconstituted, this 1g must be mixed with 20mls of water thenfurther diluted with at least 100ml Normal Saline and run over 100minutes via intravenous infusion.
3. You will be required to reconstitute two separate vials of 1gram and then discard some to achieve your required dose of 1.2gVancomycin.
a) How many mls of reconstituted powder inwater for injection is required?
b) Once reconstituted your 1.2g of Vancomycinwill be added to 100ml of Normal Saline. What will you final volumefor infusion be?