22. A child admitted with epiglottitis is not responding tohumidified oxygen. Which procedure does the nurse anticipate willbe ordered?

– Emergency tracheostomy

-Chest x-ray


– Antibiotics

29. A nurse is assessing a school age child in the oncologyclinic. The child reports soreness in the mouth and refuses to eat.The inspection of the mouth revels a white, milky plaque that doesnot come off with rubbing. The nurse should suspect which of thefollowing conditions?

– Dematitis

– Stomatitis

– candidiasis

– Epiglottis

30. A nurse working in a school-based health clinic is preparingweekly report of Nationally Notifiable Diseases to send the StateHealth Department. Which of the following should be reported?

– Suspected Chlamydia cases

– Only confirmed Syphilis cases

– Possible pennatal exposures to HIV

– Suspected cases of Conjunctivitis

31. In treating sexually- transmitted diseases (STDs), which ofthe following strategies can be used to reduce the spread?

– Efficient contact tracing

– Prophytactic antibiotics to sexually-active teens

– Treating STDs as symptoms anse

– Abstaining from sex unless within monogamous relationships

33. A nurse is assessing a child with suspected otitis media.Which clinical finding supports this diagnosis?

– Intense itching in the ear canal

– External edema and difficulty visualizing tympanicmembrane

– Otorrhea

– Bulging tympanic membrane and nasal stuffiness

35. A mother of a child suspected of having Cystic Fibrosis asksthe nurse how testing for Cystic Fibrosis is done

Which would be the best response by the nurse?

– Testing for cystic fibrosis is done using a painless swab ofthe cheek

– Testing for cystic fibrosis is done by completing two sweatstimulation tests

– Testing for cystic fibrosis is done by testing stool for thepresence of fat

– Testing for cystic fibrosis is done through a standard bloodtest for chlorine.

37. A nurse is giving post-op discharge instructions to a parentfollowing their child’s tonsillectomy. Which of the followingstatements demonstrates the parent understand the teaching?

– “I will allow the child to choose whichever foods they wantfrom the pantry”

– “I will provide the child soft foods, like mashed potatoes andice cream”

– “I will encourage the child to use a straw with allbeverages”

– “I will provide the child to with a liquid diet for the nextweek”

38. A teen is asking the nurse what to expectpost-tonsillectomy. Which of the following should the nurse discussas normal expectation? (Select all that apply)

– a.) Halitosis

– b.) Sleep apnea

– c.) Swollen tongue

– d.) White scabs in the back of the throat

– e.) Bleeding for 5 to 10 days after surgery

39. A nurse is planning IV antibiotic therapy for an infant.Which of the following is not correct? (Select all that apply)

– a.) Always require dilute medications with 100 ml sterilewater

– b.) Medications are usually given in weight-based doses

– c.) Infants rarely have allergic reactions to medications sochecking allergies is not important

– d.) An IV cannot be left in an infant, so a new one needs tobe started for each administration

– e.) IV medications should be given using a pump

40. In caring for a child with pertussis, which nursing actionswould be supportive of airway management?

– Feeding small, frequent meals

– Placing the child to droplet precautions

– Reducing fluid intake

– Encouraging family members to get vaccinated

41. In caring for a child with varicella, which nursing actionswould be supportive of pruritus management?

– Encouraging food and fluids

– Monitoring lesions for secondary bacterial infection

– Administering an antipyretic

– Bathing the child in oatmeal or cornstarch

43. A nurse is conducting a community-based class on SuddenInfant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Which of the following home safetyteachings are recommended?

– Place the baby on their back to sleep

– Use padding in the crib to prevent babies from rollingover

– Remove pillows and stuffed animals from cribs

– Have the baby sleep next to an adult to know if they stopbreathing at night

-Avoid smoking near the infant

44. A nurse is working in a dermatology office is preparing aflyer for a daycare on reducing sun exposure in toddlers. Which ofthe following statements is not correct?

– Use SPF 30 or higher on children

– Sunscreen is water-resistant and does not need to be reappliedafter swimming

– Limit sun exposure during 11 am to 3 pm

– Wear long-sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat for extended periodsof sun exposure

45. A nurse is working with a mother to develop a care plan fora child with night terrors. Which of the following interventionsshould be included?

– Reduce daytime activities to prevent overstimulation atnight

– Wake the child up during night terrors to reduce distress

– Provide large meals just before bed to encourage stayingasleep

– Pick up all toys in the bedroom before bedtime for safety

46. A nurse is assessing a child that came back positive forlead during a routine screening at 2 years of age. Which of thefollowing is a symptom of lead poisoning?

– The child says “No” in response to every question

– The child has a limited vocabulary of 10 words

– The parent reports a limited diet of finger foods andfruit

– The child is able to state their name

47. A nurse is assessing a 5-month old infant at a regularcheck-up. Which of the following assessment findings requiresfollow-up evaluation?

– The infant smiles when the nurse comes into the room

– The infant responds to sounds by making their own sounds

– The infant does not visually track objects

– The infant rolls over in both directions

48. In administering immunizations to a 2-month old infant,which of the following pain management techniques is the mostappropriate for the nurse to use?

– Topical lidocaine applied 15 minutes prior to theprocedure

– Providing a pacifier during and post-procedure

– A one-time dose of oral morphine prior to the procedure

– Distracting the infant using a loud, colorful toy

49. A 10-year-old child is being prepared for an influenzavaccine. The child asks the nurse if the injection will hurt. Whichis the best response?

– Change the subject and say “It’s a beautiful day outside,isn’t it?”

– Be honest and answer, “Yes, for a little bit”

– Say “NO, because you’re a big kid. It wont hurt a bit”

– Smile broadly and ask, “What do you think”?

50. A school-nurse us supervising drop-off and pick-up at theelementary school. Which of the following behaviors by the childrencould indicate a need for community education?

– An older child is noticed to be waiting for a younger childprior to walking home

– Bicycle helmets are inconsistently worn, and most areill-fitting

– The parent pick-up car line begins 15 minutes prior to schoolrelease

– Children going on the bus arrive early and wait outside forthe cafeteria to open

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