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CERTIFIED PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN/A technician tak? A Notify the provider Notify the patient’s family Notify the RN D. Notity facility security the technician tak? A Report the nodent to the hematology department B. Wish his hands with diluted beach C. Wash his hands with soap and water D. Report the incident to environmental services 41. Which of the following can a patient care technician do to minimize somatic tremor? A. Check for ose electrodes. B Wipe off lotion and sweat C. Unplug surrounding machines D. Cover the patient with a blanket 42. A patient care technician in giving a bed bath to a patient and notes a bruise on the patient’s upper arm. The following actions should the technician take? patient tells the fachnician that the bruise was caused by another technician during ambulation. Which of the A Notlly the patient’s nurse immediately. B. Take a photograph of the patient’s bruise. C. Refer the patient to a social worker, D. Discuss the patient’s bruise with the suspected technician 43. A patient care technician is transferring a patient from a stretcher to a bed. Which of the following actions by the technician demonstrates proper body mechanics? A Standing with feet together 8. Having a wide base of support C. Having a narrow base of support D. Standing with knees locked 44. At which of the following times should a patient care technician take baseline vital signs? A. When a patient comes to the facility for routine blood work B. When a patient is admitted to the facility C. When a patient is discharged to go home D. When a patient has a significant change in mental status CERTIFIED PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN ASSISTANTO fechnician take? A Notity the provider B. Notify the patients for C. Notify the RN D.Notly facility scourity 40. A patient care technicians and is accidentally exposed to a patient’s blood. Which of the following conso the technician tak? A Report the incident to the hematology department Wish his hands with diluted bleach C Wash his hands with soap and water D. Report the incident to arronmental services 41. Which of the following can a patient care technician do to minimize somatic tremor? A. Check for loose electrodes B Wipe off lotion and sweat C.Unplug surrounding machines D. Cover the patient with a blanket 42. A patient care technician is giving a bed bath to a patient and notes a bruise on the patient’s upper am. The patient tells the technician that the bruise was caused by another technician during ambulation which the following A. Notify the patient’s nurse immediately. B. Take a photograph of the patient’s bruise. C. Refer the patient to a social worker. D. Discuss the patient’s bruise with the suspected technician 43. A patient care tochnician is transferring a patent from a stretcher to a bed. Which of the following actions by the technician demonstrates proper body mechanics? A. Standing with feet together B. Having a wide base of support C. Having a narrow base of support D. Standing with knees locked 44. At which of the following times should a patient care technician take baseline vital signs? A. When a patient comes to the facility for routine blood work B. When a patient is admitted to the facility C. When a patient is discharged to go home D. When a patient has a significant change in mental status
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