Procedure Changes for ROI
Martha, a new release of information clerk is being trained. Shehas been given a copy of the ROI procedure to follow, which is (inpart) as follows:
Walk-in requests
1. Validate authorization
2. Process the request
3. Enter the request in the ROI database
On Friday morning, at the end of Martha’s first week, a womanstating she was Mrs. Turner walked in requesting records. Joyce,Martha’s trainer, had been called to the HIM director’s office, soMartha was on her own. She presented Mrs. Turner with anauthorization form, and then once it was completed, she printed therecords requested. These were lab tests which included pregnancyresults. Martha presented the records to Mrs. Turner, and thenproceeded to enter the information into the ROI database as perprotocol. When Joyce returned to the office, she reviewed Martha’shandling of the request. Joyce became concerned about the requestbecause Mrs. Turner was well known to her and her review of theauthorization identified a concern with the signature. When sheasked Martha for a description of the woman, her fears wereconfirmed as it was not Mrs. Turner who had requested therecords.
What changes could be recommended to the ROI procedure to ensurethat this type of release error would be less likely to happen inthe future?