Covid-19: World’s top latex glove makershuts factories

The world’s largest maker of latex gloves will shut more thanhalf of its factories after almost 2,500 employees tested positivefor coronavirus.

Malaysia’s Top Glove will close down 28 plants in phases as itseeks to control the outbreak, authorities said.

The company has seen a huge surge in demand for its personalprotective gear since the start of the pandemic.

However, there have been concerns about the working conditionsof the low-paid migrant workers it relies upon.

On Monday, Malaysia’s health ministry reported a sharp rise inCovid-19 cases in areas where Top Glove factories and dormitoriesare located.

Nearly 5,800 workers have been screened so far with 2,453testing positive, it said.

Top Glove operates 41 factories in Malaysia, with many of itsworkers coming from Nepal and living in crowded dormitorycomplexes.

“All those who tested positive have been hospitalised and theirclose contacts have been quarantined to avoid infecting otherworkers,” Director-General of Health Noor Hisham Abdullah toldReuters news agency.

It is unclear when the factory closures will begin but they arescheduled to take place in stages.

Top Glove has been in the global spotlight for its record highprofits this year, but also over allegations of exploitative labourpractices at the firm.

In July, the United States banned the import of gloves from twoof the company’s subsidiaries following forced labour concerns.

A recent report from the US Department of Labour raised the sameissue, pointing to the high recruitment fees overseas migrantworkers must pay to secure employment in the rubber glove industrywhich often results in debt bondage.

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