Ted has been a resident at Gumtree Gardens for the past 8 years.A month before his 90th birthday Ted fell in hisbathroom at the facility and fractured his left hip. Ted underwentsurgery at the local public hospital, but post operatively hesuffered many health concerns, including pneumonia. This furthercomplicated Ted’s long-standing lung disease (emphysema).

Ted is no longer able to weight bear or walk and has becomechair and bed bound. While in hospital Ted has developed a pressureulcer over his right heel which, despite good quality care, hasquickly deteriorated and has now caused circulatory problems andsevere pain in his right foot.

Ted is in pain for much of the day and clearly states that hehas ‘had enough’ for one life. Doctors and his family havesuggested additional surgery with the possibility of a footamputation. Ted is well aware of the circumstances and, after beingadvised of the treatment options, has decided that rather than anamputation, he would prefer a palliative approach back at GumtreeGardens.

Ted is about to be readmitted to Gumtree Gardens and you havebeen asked to assist in planning for his return.

  1. In applying the palliative approach identify three ofTed’s physical and emotional needs that you will need tomeet?
  2. Outline three principles of holistic care that youwould use to ensure Ted’s palliative care needs aremet?
  3. How are Ted’s nutrition and hydration requirementslikely to change as he deteriorates, and how will you meet theseusing a palliative approach to care?
  4. Outline how you would assess Ted’s level of pain usingcommunication, observation and clinical assessmenttools?
  5. Outline three strategies that could assist Ted with hispain management and comfort?
  6. Outline three strategies you would use to createsupportive environment for Ted’s family that will make them feelrespected and part of the care team and encourage them tocommunicate by sharing information regarding his changingneeds?
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