You have been asked to provide a strategy for achievingradiation dose reduction for a radiology procedure in the X-rayDepartment. The procedure involves the slow insertion and carefulpositioning of a small metal catheter into the artery of a patientusing fluoroscopy. The procedure is challenging and normally takesseveral minutes to achieve. It is imperative that the measures youadvise to achieve dose reduction are not likely to threaten thequality (and hence successful outcome) of the procedure.
The fluoroscopy system itself is a pulsed design, i.e. itprovides a real-time image by generating a running sequence of lowdose frames. The frame rate, the kilovoltage selected for X-rayspectrum, and the dose used per frame for the fluoroscopy are allvariable.
Which of the following should, in principle, be the beststrategy to explore? Please select one answer only
Select one:
a. Maintain the frame rate, increase the kilovoltage andmaintain the dose per frame
b. Decrease the frame rate, increase the kilovoltage anddecrease the dose per frame
c. Decrease the frame rate, increase the kilovoltage andmaintain the dose per frame.
d. Maintain the frame rate, decrease the kilovoltage anddecrease the dose per frame.
e. Decrease the frame rate, decrease the kilovoltage andmaintain the dose per frame