Next Generation Analytics (NGA) secures a new contract for a largedata project that has a quick turnaround. They need to expand theirworkforce in order to complete this project on a very shorttimeline, but the labor market is really tight with very lowunemployment rates in most geographic areas. NGA is alreadyshort-staffed, has had trouble hiring highly qualified employees,and needs to bring on some new folks to work on this importantproject.
Chloe, a white Millennial in her mid-30s, is assigned as theproject manager. She has worked for NGA for 10 years, sincegraduating from college with a degree in computer science. She’sbeen married to her high-school sweetheart for 12 years and hasthree “perfect” children. She has expressed interest in gettingmore management experience, taking on something new, and seems likea good choice to lead this project, despite having littlemanagement background. Chloe was, unfortunately, on an extendedfamily vacation when the project came in.
In Chloe’s absence HR went ahead and hired a group of young hourlyworkers (Gen Zers) to start work on the project when Chloe returnsfrom holiday. Among the group are the followingindividuals:
Since Chloe was gone during the hiring process, she knows none ofthese details and arrives back at work to learn that she needsto get up to speed andready to start the project asap. She calls an initial meeting of the group. As shejoins them, Chloe’s first observation is that they are a very”motley-looking crew.” They all have their phones out, are texting,and looking things up on their phones. She asks them to join themeeting, and after giving them a little bit about her background,she invites them all to introduce themselves to her and to eachother. As they relate the above descriptions of their backgrounds,she notices a couple of things:
Chloe asks herself, “What could HR be thinking when they hiredthese folks?” She is kind of freaked out and at a loss for how tothe situation. She can already feel the handle generational tensionin the room. Regardless, she plows ahead, handing out a descriptionof the project with a listing of the tasks to be performed andasking the new team to review it and consider what tasks interestthem most. She suggests that they take a break and reconvene later in theday.
When she gets back to her office, Chloe tries to reach you, hermanagement mentor at NGA, about the situation. When she doesn’t getahold of you right away, she sends you an email, explaining whathappened in the meeting and asking for your help in addressing thefollowing questions: