2. Which of the following is a symptom of osteomalacia? a.Breakdown of collagen b. Jaundice c. Bending of the spine d.Hemolytic anemia e. Night blindness
3.It is critical for body cells to maintain fluid andelectrolyte balance. The body achieves this balance by: a. allowingminerals to follow the flow of water b. increasing the intake ofsodium when a person becomes dehydrated c. allowing minerals toslip freely across the cell membranes d. keeping most of the wateroutside the cells e. increasing the electrolyte concentrationsinside the cells
4. Which of the following statements is true of copper? a. Itplays a key role in the formation of hemoglobin and collagen. b. Itenhances the activity of hormones such as insulin and glucagon. c.It makes bones and teeth resistant to demineralization. d. Itregulates the production of thyroid hormones. e. It inhibits theabsorption and use of iron.
5.Which of the following nutrients is correctly matched with itsrole in bone development? a. Vitamin A plays a significant role inthe bone-remodeling process. b. Vitamin K maintains theconcentration of collagen in the body. c. Magnesium plays animportant role in preserving bone integrity. d. Omega-3 fatty acidsmaintain bone mineral density in the body. e. Vitamin C assists inthe production of several bone salts.