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What examples of the children’s strengths and competencies didyou hear in these stories?

Children are curious and observant. They are able to createtheir own stories based on their experiences, or what they arereally exposed to. Children’s brains absorb things very quickly.Their brain is capable of classifying and ordering the things youobserve around them. At their young age, they interpret the worldin their own way. Like what happened with Kelly, she really assumedbased on what was really going on around her. She realized thatonly white people could be Jewish.

How might our understanding of the children’s stories help us tosupport adult learners?

We must pay close attention to children’s stories becausesometimes they send us messages of what they are being exposed intheir daily lives. At the same time, they give us the opportunityto know what issues are calling their attention or what issue weshould talk about with them and their parents. In addition, race isa topic that should always be discussed with children at home andschool so that parents and teachers reinforce and strengthen theidentity, diversity, justice, and activism of each child andfamily.

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