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1. Write a medical note based on the following case. A 65-year-old African stock trader attends an annual national conference in San Francisco. On his return home, he develops fevers, with temperatures as high as 39.4 °C (102.9° F) over the past 5 days. He has also developed a severe, nonproductive cough with associated shortness of breath at rest. In addition, he complains of headache, fatigue, and a steady, dull back pain that starts overnight. His wife reports that he has become slightly confused at home. He has also had nausea and frequent loose stools. He states that he has recently moved after retiring from a career in banking and is searching for a new primary care physician. His past medical history is significant for diverticulosis, prior smoking, and hypertension. He says that he has run out of his blood pressure medication. He denies trauma to his back and otherwise feels well. On physical examination, his temperature is 39.1 °C (102.3 °F), blood pressure is 116/84 mm Hg, pulse is 96/min, and respirations are 28/min. On lung examination, there are scattered loud rhonchi in both lung fields. The abdominal examination is normal. 2. Your patient’s weight is 145 lb and height is 4’7″. How do you calculate his BMI score? Write down the calculating process (you can use your calculator) and your conclusion. 3. What factors can you identify that affect the accuracy of BMI score of your patient? Activate Windows Go to PC settings to activa 1 A 50 vaan old man is admitted to the baantal aftan sustaining an acutamvacancial
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