Marie is a dietitian who manages the food service in a 320-bedhospital with an annual occupancy rate of 92%. Patient meals areassembled centrally with a belt line that requires 10 employees.The trays are assembled in 45 minutes. The director of the hospitaltells her that a new wing with 36 beds will be open as of nextApril.
a) Taking into account the addition of the new wing, how much timewill Marie have to allocate to the assembly of the meals at thebeltline if the 10 employees work at the same pace and theoccupancy rate remains the same?
Marie must present her inventory turnover rate data to her managerfor the last month. Here is the data:
B)Calculate the turnover rate for the grocery category.
c) Choose from the following options the consequences of a lowturnover rate:
• The manager has a limited inventory
• Stock in inventory is used quickly
• The stock in inventory is not used quickly and there is a risk ofwaste
• The manager buys too much during the period.