x Unit 1 INT 2100 DO - Integrati X https://my.laboure.edu/ICS/Academics/INT/INT_2100/2020_30-INT_2100-D O/Unit 1 Ajrz W TO 4.
6. Discussion of strengths and weakness of the program and recommendations for improvement. 7. Conclusion: an integration of

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x Unit 1 INT 2100 DO – Integrati X https://my.laboure.edu/ICS/Academics/INT/INT_2100/2020_30-INT_2100-D O/Unit 1 Ajrz W TO 4. COMMUNITY RESEARCH PAPER (Requires a visit either remotely or in person), due 4/4 uploaded to Coursework. The research paper asks for 2 kinds of research, 1.observation/interviewing and 2. scholarly. You are asked to choose a service/site and research the aspect that relates to health and wellness. You will discover this through visiting the site and/or interviewing a professional or professionals at the site. The focus is on attitudes and beliefs found in the program or service center of your choice. Once you have identified this center from the suggested list below, your job will be to evaluate the attitudes and beliefs you find represented in this program or service center and describe how it aligns with your own personal values and beliefs regarding health and wellness The scholarly research portion is to research the origins of this service/site, the history/origin of the services offered/provided and perhaps the mission statement of the service/site. A review of your findings is to be incorporated into your paper. Research Paper Format: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review (background and history of the site and service) Minimum of 3 professional Journal articles/outside sources. 3. Summary of findings (from outside sources/research 4. Summary of findings (from observation interview) 5. Comparison of research findings and your field study personal observation and or interviews) 6. Discussion of strengths and weakness of the program and recommendations for improvement 32 . 6. Discussion of strengths and weakness of the program and recommendations for improvement. 7. Conclusion: an integration of your research and field study and personal opinion. Paper length is 3-4 pages double spaced. Possible settings you may visit or work at include: YMCA Daycare Senior Center Assisted Living In-home service provider, family, child or senior School setting, public or private Hospice Rehabilitation Facility Planned Parenthood Women’s Health Center Palative Care After School Programs O & Type here to search
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