Pleas “IN YOUR OWN WORDS” Respond to the passage below in atleast 5 sentences. Give your thoughts and opinion. Do you agree ordisagree? Why or Why not?

Ischemic stroke is the most common stroke that takes place whenthe blood that flows to the brain is obstructed by a blood clot.This can be further emphasized by the two important types ofischemic strokes. There is a thrombotic stroke which is a bloodclot that blocks the flow in an artery and it travels to the brain.Then there is an embolic stroke which is known as fatty plague oreven an embolism that breaks away in other areas in the body andtravels to the brain, therefore causing it to block an artery. Somesymptoms that can occur are weakness and numbness on either side ofthe body. As well as finding it hard to speak or see. Patients whohave had an ischemic stroke will undergo a tissue plasminogenactivator which will help get rid of those clots. Larger clots mayneed a more serious treatment which is referred to as athrombectomy (Joy, K, 2018).

On the other hand, hemorrhagic occurs when a weak blood vesselburst and bleeds into the brain. A person who experiences thisstroke will encounter headaches. Although hemorrhagic strokes arerare, they are extremely deadly. There are two types of hemorrhagicstrokes which are known as intracerebral hemorrhagic which is thebreaking of a weak blood vessel in the brain. Subarachnoidhemorrhage, being the least common type of hemorrhagic stroke, isknown as a frail blood vessel that includes breakage on the surfaceof one’s brain. With regards to treatment, a surgical clip is seton the surface of the brain to terminate the bleeding (Joy, K,2018). Remembering the would “fast” will help one recognize astroke occurring. Fast stands for face- is a patient’s face droopy.Arms- are they able to raise their arms. Speech- is their speechslurred or unrecognizable. Time- be aware of the time that thesesymptoms have occurred (CDC, 2020). if you notice any of thesesymptoms call 911 as soon as possible. Rowena was lucky in hercase, her daughter saw the signs of a stroke and called 911 just intime. She had all the symptoms that involve a stroke. Rowena’s highblood pressure, high cholesterol, and age all contributed to heralmost having a stroke. Due to her receiving a TPA, she will befine and needs to keep an eye on her cholesterol andhypertension.

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