Piya Jordan is a 68 year old patient who was admitted to thehospital to have surgery to remove an abdominal mass. She underwenta colectomy yesterday removing a mass from her right ascendingcolon. She has a large abdominal incision with a clean, dry andintact dressing, but fortunately did not require a colostomy. Sheis on the post operation surgical unit and is requiringpost-operative nursing care. She is alert and fully oriented to hersurroundings. She has a nasogastric tube in place which has drained10cc of yellow drainage in the past 8 hours. She is complaining ofabdominal discomfort and she states “I’m sick to my stomach and mybelly is full”. Please briefly answer to the followingquestions(NOT long answers because this is a concept map)
Question: Piya Jordan Is A 68 Year Old Patient Who Was Admitted To The Hospital To Have Surgery To Remove An Abdominal Mass. She Underwent A Colectomy Yesterday Removing A Mass From Her Right Ascending Colon. She Has A Large Abdominal Incision With A Clean, Dry And Intact Dressing, But Fortunately Did Not Require A Colostomy. She Is On The Post Operation Surgical …
by admin | Jan 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
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