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LORAZEPAM The following table reports pharmacokinetic data for the drug Lorazepam. It is cleared primarily by glucuronidation by UGT2B7 and UGT2B. In LD and RD patients the fraction of drug bound to plasma protein decreases VOL DIST. (kg) HALF-LIFE (hours) CLEARANCE (Uminka) B1OAVAILABILITY (ORAL) () URINARY BOUND IN PLASMA (%) EXCRETION 14 15 93 10 1.3 +0.26 |<1 912 0.61 + 0.01 LD, RD 2 LD. RD PLD, Neo, RD a. Is Lorazepam a low, medium or high extraction ratio drug? Why? b. Predict the changes in clearance, half-life, and volume of distribution in patients with Liver Disease (LD). Note that one of the effects of LD is to slow blood flow through the liver as well as to lower metabolism efficiency. Clearance Vol. Distr. Half-live ↑ c Calculate plasma water clearance for lorazepam in ml/min/kg.
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