TRUE or FALSE: “Specialized” adult-day programs would bedescribed as age-based not “need based”?
0.5 points
How do clients typically pay for most adult-day services? Choosethe best answer.
Can usually be paid for by using both personal funds and healthinsurance.
Can only be paid for by health insurance (usually Medicaid)
Can only be paid for out-of-pocket (personal funds)
Services are free for the individual over age 65.
0.5 points
MATCH the meal program (A = Congregate and B = Home-delivered)with the eligibility requirements and clients.
– A. B. clients must be functionally independent
– A. B. must have some physical disability or impairment
– A. B. eligibility based only on age
– A. B. clients must be “homebound” and disabled in some way
– A. B. eligibility requirements not based on income
– A. B. clients must be low-income (linked to FPL)
A. A
B. B
0.5 points