I have an annotated bibliography assignment and have twoarticles:

Rise of the e-nurse: the power of social media in Nursing

Nurses’ online behaviour: lessons for the nursing profession

For each bibliography, you are required to (under theseidentified headings) discuss the article and how it relates tonursing and your professional bodies / policies / codes

Bibliographical details

       – Provide the correctbibliographical details for your first chosen article

Brief summary

       – give a brief summary ofthe article

       – what is the articleabout


       – identify the strengthsand / or weaknesses of the article

       – do these strengths andweakneses have any influence on the topic?

  Relevance of the article to nursing      

       – Provide a discussion onhow the article is relevant to the Nursing and Midwifery Board ofAustralia (NMBA) and / or Australian Health Practitioner RegulationAgency (AHPRA) codes and guidelines or other policies, for example,the Social Media Policy.

Repeat the above for your second article

Finish of with your reference list (your 2 articlesshould not be referenced here)

All referencing is to be in APA 7thformat.

Please help?

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