1. Test tube
  2. Test tube brush
  3. Test tube holder
  4. Test tube rack
  5. Beaker
  6. Graduated Cylinder
  7. Volumetric Flask
  8. Pipette
  9. Aspirator bulb
  10. Petri dish
  11. Inoculating loop and needle
  12. Glass slides
  13. Stirring rod

  1. Equipment
  1. Water bath
  2. Hot Plate
  3. Incubator
  4. Autoclave
  5. Colony counter
  6. Biosafety cabinet

  1. Questions
  1. Give the function/use of the given instruments and equipmentabove (From A to F).
  2. Briefly explain the significance of knowing the functions anduse of the given laboratory instruments and equipment.
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