A patient in hospital develops a fever and an acute infection ofthe upper respiratory tract. It is suspected that they may besuffering from infection with influenza A (H1N1), so anasopharyngeal swab and a serum sample are taken. The hospitallaboratory can do ELISA, RT-PCR, viral culture, haemagglutinationand haemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) tests, and has suitablereagents available to carry out all/any of these assays to identifyand type the influenza virus.
Briefly discuss which of these tests are most suitable fordetecting a current infection with influenza A. Explainwhy you would not use the other tests. For the tests you choose touse, state which clinical sample you would use and why.
Also, explain, which tests could distinguish the strain of virusand briefly, the basis of how the test is able to make thisidentificaiton.
thank you