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QUESTION 3 Data analysis is a very important activity in the research process. 3.1 To which phase of the research process does data analysis belong? (1) Instruction: Study the contents of Table 1: n Percentage (%) 1 25 15 5 3 1 2 50 30 10 6 2 Variables Age groups (years) Below 18 19 – 21 22 – 24 25 – 27 28 – 30 31 and above Gender Female Male Marital status Single Married Divorced Educational level 34 16 68 32 35 10 5 70 20 10 3 8 10 6 16 20 20 6 3 40 12 6 Primary school Grades 1-3 Grades 4-6 Grade 7 Secondary school Form 1-2 Form 3 Form 4-5 Religious affiliation Church of Zion Roman Catholic Methodist Church Traditional Church None Salary (Emalangeni) 0-199 200 – 299 300 — 399 400 – 499 500 25 10 8 5 2 50 20 16 10 4 6 10 21 8 5 12 20 42 16 10 3.2 Write down any four variables that were of interest in this study and are displayed in Table 1. (1/2×4=2) 3.3 Give a summary of the participants from the contents of Table 1. (12)
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