The nurse is preparing to administer the antidiuretic hormonevasopressin. Which of the following does the nurse know are correctregarding this drug? Select all that apply.

Teach the patient to monitor and record daily intake and outputof fluid.

Determine creatinine clearance and fluid and electrolytestatus

Teach the patient the technique for intranasaladministration.

Diabetes insipidus is the same as diabetes mellitus

A clinic nurse is performing teaching the parent of a child witha growth hormone deficiency. Which of the following will the nurseinclude in patient education? Select all that apply.

Medication is administered PO TID and should be taken withfood

Height and weight must be monitored monthly.

Annual follow up for is required for re-check GH and epiphysealclosure

Monitor glucose levels in closely in patients diagnosed withdiabetes

The clinical nursing instructor is preparing a lecture on drugsfor adrenocortical insufficiency. Which of the following optionswill the instructor correctly include in the review? Select allthat apply.

Fludrocortisone causes elevation of blood pressure due tomineralocorticoid actions

There are very distinct differences in the action ofglucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.

Hydrocortisone is a preferred drug for all forms ofadrenocortical insufficiency.

Hydrocortisone and other glucocorticoids are used to treat abroad spectrum of nonendocrine disorders, ranging from allergicreactions to inflammation to cancer. The doses required areconsiderably higher than those employed for replacementtherapy.

Hydrocortisone is a synthetic steroid with a structure identicalto that of cortisol, the principal glucocorticoid produced by theadrenal cortex.

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