This week’s lecture will focus on enteral and parenteralnutrition, which are required in situations where normalconsumption of food is not possible. Imagine you have just beentold by your physician that you will have to receive all yournutrition for the rest of your life via tube feedings as yourgastrointestinal function has impaired motility. The thought ofnever being able to eat anything via your mouth again can beextremely devastating for most patients. You are going to putyourself in the shoes of a patient to prepare yourself for whattypes of questions you will face as a health care professional.Name a type of complication you might endure along the journey ofacquiring nutrition through tube feedings and discuss how you couldprevent these complications. Also, describe and/or answer questionsyou would have for the medical team about the tube-feeding process.25 13 0 12
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