When discussing the Hunger Winter, Ms. Paul reported that manyof the fetuses who were born during this time later grew intoadults with various health problems – such as diabetes, heartdisease, and obesity. Which of the following hypotheses did Ms.Paul discuss as a possible explanation?
The severe deprivation lead to multiple chromosomalabnormalities that involved various diseases. |
The individuals, while in utero, learned to adapt to a world ofsevere deprivation and their bodies were not prepared for food-richenvironments into which they were born and raised. |
Given the severe deprivation experienced as fetuses, theseindividuals overate to compensate. |
While in utero, the fetuses directed most of the limitedcalories to their stomachs and limbs as a way of following theproximodistal and cephalacaudal principles of physical growth. |